Bread & Wine
Diego Bobadilla was made a Procurator. It meant he was to procure or draft Jesuits in Europe and bring them to Filipinas as missionaries. He explained fears that were real to the draftees: there was neither bread nor wine; the sea terrified; seasickness could keep them flat on their backs the entire trip; strange climate and illnesses could kill them. The Jesuit Pedro de Montes and his group of 20 Jesuits were assigned 3 ordinary cabins 10 feet long by 8 feet wide, and a fourth cabin slightly larger. A group of Jesuits traveling in 1625 had to lie with the feet of one resting on the head of another. Their cabin was a cubbyhole under the quarterdeck. They had to keep their ration of hard sea biscuit that attracted weevils beside them. Their door was so blocked with gear that they crawled into the cabin like cats. No one took off their clothes and soon vermin the size of chickpea attached to them, sucked their blood, and infested their food. At the stopover in Acapulco, bureaucrats refused to lodge them. They slept outdoors for 2 and a half months till they could make the Pacific crossing. The early years of Christianisation of the colony were inspired by sanctity unlike the 1800s when a frailocracy was in place.
Diego Bobadilla Pedro de Montes Jesuits Christianity Voyages and travels
Diego Bob 1616
The Miracles of St. Francis Xavier (1506-1552), Society of Jesus co-founder by Peter Paul Rubens. Circa 1617. Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna. Tumblr.
Image;Still Image
Preferred Citation:
"Bread & Wine", Philippine Food History, Felice P. Sta. Maria
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